Freyja Brandel-Tanis


City Planner | Civil Engineer | She/Her

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Home Portfolio Resume

Hello! My name is Freyja, and I am a Transportration Planner/Engineer at Modern Mobility Partners in Atlanta, GA. Previously, I was a Fulbright grantee at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway researching the role of digital twins in sustainable transportation planning. I graduated from Georgia Tech with master’s degrees in City Planning and Civil Engineering. Here you can find my projects and publications, resume, and professional interests.

My professional and research interests include:

Contact information

You can find me on LinkedIn, GitHub, and by email (freyja <dot> alice <at> gmail <dot> com). Please reach out if you have questions or are interested in collaborating!


NCST Report Published

November 2022

The final project report on the Economic Sustainability of Sidewalk Networks is available now on eScholarship!

Bray, M., F. Brandel-Tanis, W. Reichard, S. O’Brien, and R. Guensler (2022). Economic Sustainability of Sidewalk Networks and Funding Scenario Cost Distributions in Atlanta, GA. Research Report from the National Center for Sustainable Transportation. November, 2022.

Began Fulbright grant research in Norway

August 2022

Received 2022 APA Outstanding Student Award

April 2022

The APA Outstanding Student Award is awarded to one student in each accredited planning program each year. I’m so proud to have been selected from my class at Georgia Tech.

Selected for 2022-23 Fulbright Grant to Norway

March 2022

I’ve been selected by the US-Norway Fulbright Foundation to join Dr. Kelly Pitera and Dr. Yngve Frøyen researching the role of digital twins in sustainable transportation planning and decision-making.

Presented at GPA/TAPA Fall 2021 Conference

October 2021

I had the amazing opportunity to present my project on Deadhead Minimization as a student presenter at the Georgia and Tennessee Planning Associations’ joint conference. As my previous presentation of the work at TRB 2021 was completely virtual and therefore provided little space for discussion, I really appreciated all the questions and interest I received from the audience.

Paper published in TRR

September 2021

“Deadhead Minimization with a Flexible Facility Locator Tool” has been published in TRR.

Joined Georgia Tech Friendly Cities lab

August 2021

I’ve joined the Friendly Cities Lab for my last year at Georgia Tech! I’m very excited to work with Drs. Andris, Weitz, Beckett and others on the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool.

White Paper Release: Anti-Displacement Strategies for Equitable Transportation Planning

June 2021

I’m pleased to announce the publication of “Anti-Displacement Strategies for Equitable Transportation Planning,” a white paper I co-wrote as an intern at Modern Mobility Partners with Candace Foster and Julia Billings, AICP.

You can find the paper on MMP’s website or my portfolio

NPC21 Panel: Fellowships, Scholarships, Internships & Other Paths for Your Career

May 2021

I had the incredible opportunity this year to speak about my experience in AmeriCorps on a panel at the APA’s 2021 National Planning Conference. National service was important to me in my personal and professional development, and I enjoy helping others decide if its the right path for them.

Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart Fellowship

April 2021

I’m very honored to receive the 2021 Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart Fellowship from the Georgia Tech School of City & Regional Planning for academic performance and leadership potential this year.

SPA Wins APA Award

March 2021

As the current President, I’m so excited to announce that the Georgia Tech Student Planning Association, our student engagement and advocacy organization, won the 2021 Outstanding Planning Student Organization (PSO) Award from the American Planning Association!

I’m very proud of everything we’ve done this year, particularly so of how we adapted to virtual programming, fostered new relationships with Atlanta community organizations and Black Lady Planners, created anti-racist planning programming, and expanded our support for international students based on their needs.

Learn more on the APA PSO Award website.